Goodness gracious, what an intense and deep dive we had! I’m still spinning and I have to share with you that on Tuesday I caught the 6.30am ferry back and drove to work as “Dr Very Much” in the hospital. I arrived so tired and stunned to be back in the ‘real world’. Luckily my clown partner had also been at Nayri Niari and was in a similar, yet more grounded state and offered an intention to create time in our work for me to arrive and check into each situation. It’s hard to achieve this as a performer in a ‘tamed’ environment such as a hospital, but on Tuesday our practice was wholistic and generous, open and vulnerable. And my reports to the Humour Foundation were full of very special shared transformations with families and staff.
I don’t know if we can evaluate or measure the effects of what we do together as a group diving deeply into reflection, but when we take our vulnerability into communities and offer an expansive possibility for connection and sharing and multiply this by all the artists involved in ArTELIER you see this is indeed a burgeoning social change. I feel very fortunate to be part of ArTELIER.