Victoria Ryle, Barbara Piscitelli , Leigh Tesch and Simon Spain
A few words from TMAG about their work with children.
General ArTELIER housekeeping
What, why How…why are we here today?
10 – 10.45am
The Five A's: Authorship, Autonomy, Attachment, Authenticity, and Aesthetics
Using micropublishing as a tool, we will undertake a short creative learning exchange to prompt discussion around the space in our respective practices for children's agency and voice.
Using Kucirkova's (2017) 5 As of personalisation to guide the activity of children's agentic story making as a reflexive tool: to what extent are the stories based on the children’s own content? (Authorship)/ to what extent was the creation of the final product child’s independent work? (Autonomy)/ who owns the final product? (Attachment)/ to what extent do children’s stories capture content that is genuine and responsive to the child’s own situation? (Authenticity)/ to what extent does the final product reflects the child’s own taste and preference? (Aesthetics)
Victoria Ryle
Hands-on session in the B4 Making Marks exhibition - The B4 Early Years Coalition (B4) and partners invite all children aged birth to 4 years to make marks and submit their work for the Making Marks, children’s art exhibition (2019).
Making Marks aims to celebrate, nurture and support the voice of the child through art and is being held in conjunction with the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Conference in Hobart. Approximately 60 individual works have been selected by a curatorial team led by Dr Barbara Piscitelli AM and including Simon Spain and Bec Stevens. Works selected are representative of the depth, diversity and range of art from across Tasmania geographically and within children from birth to 4 years.
In this session there will be a workshop to observe/take part in in the gallery space at TMAG (adults with young children attending)
Bec, Sheree and Simon with Barbara Piscitelli
LUNCH - BRING SOMETHING TO SHARE – all food must be in the space at the beginning of the day – sorry no coffees can be taken in…
Barbara Piscitelli (AM) – Creating, Collecting and Curating Children’s Art
In 1986, Barbara established an archive of children’s art and has created several exhibitions and catalogues from her collection. She donated the collection to the State Library of Queensland in 2004. The collection contains drawings and paintings by young children from China, Vietnam and Australia from the 1980s to present time. Barbara was former Chair of the Queensland Cultural Policy Advisory Committee, and served on the Council of the National Museum of Australia, and as a Board Member of the Queensland Museum and the Collections Council of Australia. Barbara’s research explores cultural policy and childhood, learning in museums, and early childhood visual arts education. She publishes in education and museum professional journals and consults in Australia, Singapore, Vietnam and China. She taught at Queensland University of Technology for 20 years and was Visiting Scholar at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. Barbara was recognised in the Australia Day 2006 Honours as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM). The citation for her Award reads: ‘For service to early childhood education as a teacher, to the establishment of programs in cultural institutions for children, and as a collector and curator of children’s art.
Barbara in action…
Barbara will offer a presentation followed by discussion set around a long table discussion.
Listen to this before you come to find out more about Barbara’s work
Simon to introduce
Barbara to lead
Short break
How are we going? – responses to the ArTELIER program. With an application about to go in about this program we want to capture your thoughts on how this program has the capacity to change your practice?
We have to be clear of the building by 4.15