Frida kahlo painting "the two Fridas"
by Nickolas Muray (American/Hungarian, 1892–1965)
"In practices that are both personally and publicly engaged, how do we integrate experiences and learnings from both worlds into a professional self? How do we allow one world to activate and strengthen the other? What happens if we experience great stress in our public or personal lives? How do we find balance and meaning from these experiences? What professional lessons are here for us?
The flow and exchange between these two worlds can bring great strength and depth to our creative growth and at times crisis in one can be a dynamic point of learning in the other. How do we remain healthy in the midst of this flow? What tools do we have or need to have to navigate this space? At a time when we are uniquely inhabiting our personal worlds, and almost devoid of public experiences, let’s take time to reflect on these two they meet…how they flow..where the crossovers bring us life, both personally and professionally, and what we might learn for our future professional selves.
Time: April 30, 2020 10:00 AM Hobart
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 163 721 783
Bring a little talisman...a painting, a piece of writing, a memory, a thought, a shared conversation, a poem, a quote, a movement, a song, a composition that reveals something to you of your own journey with the meeting of these two worlds.. whether it is on a personal context, or a professional space.
We will take some time to share these with each other and reflect on them.
Please create a space on the day to move, sketch, compose, sing, notate, paint as we will finish with a little creative " integration" of the days work together via an artistic practice.
See you there!
10.00 - Acknowledgement of country & welcome, intro for the day’s run through
10.15-10.30 Break off rooms to have a quick hello & catch up
10.30-11.00 Julie Gough will speak about her experience of combining the personal and the public
11.00-11.30 break up room discussions on what Julie has given
11.30 cuppa break
11.45-12.15 Practice sharing from Catherine Morse
12.15-12.45 activity from provocation / sharing of material brought to session
12.45 wrap & any sharing & notices