The Movement and the Flow
Luke in Rite of Spring
“When we learn to work with our own Inner Nature, and with the natural
laws operating around us, we reach the level of Wu Wei. Then we work
with the natural order of things and operate on the principle of
minimal effort. Since the natural world follows that principle, it
does not make mistakes. Mistakes are made–or imagined–by man, the
creature with the overloaded Brain who separates himself from the
supporting network of natural laws by interfering and trying too
– Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh -
The Movement
It feels like you are
staying in control
the balance of yourself
In that balance
we are in a new way
Quiet your mind
To stay in the nature
of that movement
we are in
The Flow
The wisdom is in the water
and in my dreams of death
The water teaches us the wisdom to
Surrender to life and death
In my mind I surrender to the Breath.
Without acceptance there will be
a violent storm
Go with the flow.
Breathing it is life and it gives us birth.
Listen to the water.
The volume.
The sound, flowing
and falling
To the water.
Flowing. Falling. Falling flowing. Surrender.
Accepting death and life
and death
We will surrender
To the void in us
To the static living somewhere
We will see and feel
Luke John Campbell
April 2020