Movement ~ Flow ~ Space ~ Wilderness 

Pandora’s monster

Pandora’s monster


The human body intelligence, connections between mind, body and movement. 

Space; the unseen stories of places, the feelings that can be created and responded to in architecture and natural landscapes.  Adventure, travel in unknown lands and cultures. Stories. Story telling. Dance, acrobatics, embodiment and physical expression. Flow states, play states, altered states. Absurdism. Improvisation. Humor. Clown in its true form. 


Community connection, collaboration, group cohesion through creative process. Wildness and the undomesticated. Mystery. Beauty. The sacred and the unseen. Shamanism. Animism. Elements of the natural world, the warmth of fire. The vastness of the desert. The awe of the nights sky and the realization that states of awe and gratitude bolster our immune system. Healing and self healing organisms. Curiosity and the learning brain. 

PLAY.  Play with light, play with sound, play with shape, masks and objects. 

The creative collision of physical and visual theatre. The hearts, minds and voices of children. Creative play, physical exploration and connection to the natural world were a big part of my upbringing and continue to inspire my work, experiences and expression of life. 

ACTIVISM is deep in my bones. Having hugely transformative experiences as a teenager witnessing the destruction of coral reefs, native forests, ocean pollution, extreme poverty and desperate racial inequality and my own near death experience, has led me to a sense of ongoing RESPONSE- ABILITY, and purpose to influence positive change and question the dominant narrative and cultural ‘norms’ 

Aboriginal culture ~ Indigenous perspectives

I believe wisdom that is hugly beneficial in these times can come from these cultures, including egalitarian social structures, deep respect for and relational connection to the natural and unseen world, food as medicine, true ‘sustainable’ living practices, dance, song, storytelling and ‘art making ‘ as ways of life and foundational to culture,  understanding of communal living and responsibility, respect for and ceremonial acknowledgment of life cycles, including initiations. 

My creative training and work has been full of so many inspiring teachers, places and experiences I am truly grateful for. People who are passionate, curious, who dare to be different, or just have hugely generous hearts or wildly intelligent minds. Places so special they stay in the fibers of my body, holding a space like no other. Experiences that stretch across lifetimes and dimensions unable to be scratched out in to words. The extraordinary held within the ordinary.

Which brings me to the pregnant possibility of the present moment, in which inspiration can take us just by being here, now with our eyes, hearts and minds open. 

Felicity Jane Horsley

May 2020




Kids, Dave and Terrapin


The diverse community